Sunday 6 April 2008

ok so the last few months have been colourful to say the least.

had loads of trouble from my boy charlie. the condensed version is that he really hasnt been able to settle in the high school. we have had various incidents ranging from bullying to the school even "lost" him one day, although he wasnt really lost he was there all along, the comunication between the teachers is obviously awful. Was a pity they didnt realise he was ok before my mum and the local policeforce were all out looking for him while i went into meltdown in the policestation. he has been asulted there several times so i decided to pull him out 2 weeks before the easter holidays started.

He is starting a new school on tuesday so please send him positive thoughts poor boy!!

Bethany has been generally ok with nothing to report so thats good.

Bryce has been ok too! still having his accidents on a weekly basis...... me and mum are taking him to Moorfields private eye hospital tomorrow as are local hospital have basically given up with his eyesight and have resigned themselves to the fact that he is going to go blind in his right eye. I, on the other hand cannot believe this can be allowed to happen so we are going to see what they say tomorrow. fingers crossed for that as well!

On to me! Nothing to report lol. still plodding on as ever. have joined the gym and am being very good with what i eat. have lost over a ston so far. only another 4 to go "sigh"

had an excellent night last night at the lions club swimming gala. its specifically for people that have a dissability. Bethany has been going for years. Charlie done it as well yesterday for the first time. I felt a bit sorry for the other people as he won every race he went in as he is like a dolphin, but i was proud all the same lol.

Bethany done really well also and was even presented with a trophy at the end of the night for trying so hard.

Bethany getting her award.

enjoy the pictures!

If theres anything else you want to know just ask!!!!

I'm still a reader....but am mostly silent lol

lots of love Joanne


Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you again Jo ,I hope all goes well for Charlie on Tuesday ,lovely to see all the pictures of you all Jan xx

Anonymous said...

So much going on, Ihope Charlie settles ok in his new school and good luck tomorrow at the eye hospital with Bryce x

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Bethany and Charlie look like they are having fun! We still have middle schools here which are great. Good luck with the gym and Charlie new school. Louise xx

Anonymous said...

So glad you let me know you'd updated.  You have such a BEAUTIFUL family.  I have a lot to say about schools state side too.  I'm raising my grand daughter now and she will either get Christian private school or be home schooled with a group of other children.  Public school isn't what it used to be.

Congratulations on her award.  I know you all are so proud of her.

Hugs and thank you for writing to me.

Smiling at you too,


Anonymous said...

Jeez poor Charlie :(  I hope he gets on okay at the new school *fingers crossed*  Well done Beth for getting the award :)  Glad your ok and well done for losing a stone xx


Anonymous said...

I loved your update on all of you...thanks for sharing the photos...they are all so precious...hugs and love you!